Looking to Buy a House in Ireland?

How it works

  • Extensive assessment of your requirements

  • Detailed brief sent for your approval

  • Preview of properties that match your criteria

  • Short list sent with detailed discussion of each property

  • Accompanied viewings arranged for the best options

  • Negotiation

  • Overseeing of purchase & recommending professional services

  • Completion & Exchange!

On Hand if you need:

  • Mortgage Brokers

  • Solicitors

  • Surveyors

At Settle-In Relocation we make things easy for you by offering

Unrivalled Access

Having an experienced, well-connected Buyer’s Agent with access to our extensive network of contacts giving access to the widest range of property possible.

Discretion and complete independence

We act discreetly on your behalf to preserve your privacy.  This unique relationship built on trust and commitment means that buyers net the best possible outcome.

Extensive knowledge and network of contacts

Deep knowledge and understanding of the Irish residential market.

Save Time and Money 

We will negotiate the best possible price. We know where property values are at.

For more information about our Buyers Agent Service and how we can assist you, please contact us on: +353 (86) 817 5868

In our pursuit of a Dublin apartment, we’ve had the total fortune of working with Ciara Shaffrey via Settle-In Relocation. We live in the States but were looking to purchase a small place in the city, both for our son (a student) and for us to use. For first-time overseas purchasers like us, this isn’t a transaction for the faint of heart - and choosing Settle In to help us was one of the best moves we could have made. Ciara was our eyes on the ground when properties would come on the market. She almost instantly had appointments to see them in person before we even asked. She’d Facetime me while seeing places to show me pros and cons. We relied so strongly on her guidance about the actual locations, too, as there are places that would be less-than-ideal at night that we wanted to avoid. She knows Dublin like the back of her hand, and we needed that knowledge. She helped to connect us with everyone else in the process, from solicitor to inspector to utilities. Having someone who knows the Irish process and who could hold our hand through the twists and turns was invaluable. I can’t even fathom how we’d have been able to pull this off without her help. I recommend Ciara and Settle In so highly - worth every penny.
— Susan Happel